Sunday, September 8, 2013


Aaaahhhhhhhh. It drives me crazy sometimes. One of my graduate classes this semester is all online. I have taken online classes before where there are conversation components. This kind of collaboration is fine. I am required to respond to some people's ideas, however, my grade is not dependent upon their work. They do their work, I do mine, we get our grades based on our individual participation and ability to hold an educated conversation on the topic that we have been presented. This class is different.

With my Technology in Education course, there is real collaboration required. We read books. We work together to put together a report. And, each individual must respond to specific questions about the book. Our first group collaboration is due Monday (tomorrow). Last Monday I read the book, put together a basic summary, answered my individual questions, and posted it to the online server that allows others to make corrections, add their contributions, etc. I have heard from one other person in the group. Okay, two, since I can talk to the mister and he is in my group also. 

If you know me, this is stressing me out incredibly. There is school tomorrow. Followed by more school. Sure, we have until midnight, but I don't stay up that late. And I want to make sure this thing is done. I hate that my grade is dependent upon whether or not someone else does their work. I know that not everyone does their work way in advance, but come on people. Get it together. This is an easy assignment. Just type up a couple of sentences and get it done with. Then I can breathe easier. 

I know that I am a bit of a perfectionist and an overachiever. I admit it. That is why collaborations freak me out when I can't just call a meeting (one of our group members is in Florida). I want to do my part and get graded on that effort. I don't want to be graded on someone else's effort. So again, aaaahhhhh. 

Now that that is out of my system, it is on to things that I can control, such as cleaning the house, doing laundry, and getting work done for both the classroom and other grad school classes.

And once more, just because I can, AAAAAHHHHHHH. And, done.

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