Wednesday, October 9, 2013


As a new teacher, I am a part of a mentoring program. I believe that I have talked about my mentor before and how she is a fountain of information regarding kindergarten and teaching best practices. One component of the mentoring program is actually observing your mentor in program.

I scheduled my observation to take place yesterday afternoon (note, this is a make up blog because my internet was down yesterday and I couldn't post this then). I filled out my leave request. I had it approved. I had my sub plans set and ready. The start time for my observation rolled around, my students came back from recess, and I still did not have a sub. Mrs. S got the students situated while I ran to the office to figure out what was happening. 

"You don't get a sub." That was the response that I got. I replied that I had my approved leave. The response this time was, "I know, you don't get a sub." Frustrated, I ran back to class and conferred with Mrs. S. She told me, "Just go." It's nice to know that I have a competent assistant, but I know that there are district funds that are set aside for mentoring observations. I rushed to get mine done because it was a first quarter requirement and I wanted to make sure that the funds were available. But, no dice. No sub for me.

Mrs. S did a pretty good job of keeping the kinders under control and they made it through a bulk of the work that I had left (I always over-plan for subs). I had a great observation and picked up a couple of new tricks to throw into my bag. I used some of those today in our lesson review and they worked well. We tested what Mrs. S presented to them yesterday and 94% of my students received an 80% or higher on their assessment. I'd say we tag teamed that one pretty well.

It may not have worked as planned, but it worked. And now I can relax. My first semester of mentoring activities are done and over with and my report is written (I guess that was a perk of not having internet last night, I actually did work that needed to be done). Now I can (kind of) relax until Monday when quarter two starts up, along with a new list of mentoring activities.

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